Created a benefits guide PDF as a post-demo sales resource for AXOMO utilizing data from survey research, plus case studies for Paul Mitchell Schools and Purple mattress company.
Case Studies
I worked with AXOMO’s main contact for Paul Mitchell schools and set up a time to interview her on how they used the platform, and how it helped save her time. AXOMO was able to repurpose this case study in videos, events, and email marketing campaigns.
For the Purple case study I repurposed this video that I created and told the story in written form to supplement the benefits guide.
Survey Research
AXOMO had set up a survey for corporate employees that asked questions based on how much swag (company branded gear) they were given in a current year, and what they did with it. I summarized the findings on page 3 and these were used significantly in our lead gen and social pushes from 2022 onward.